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Learn about how to organize users via groups in your organization

Derek Sessions avatar
Written by Derek Sessions
Updated over a week ago

Groups (originally called Hubs) are admin-created cohorts where admin can track metrics and show group-specific content to members of that hub. Every groupmember gets access to the fully paid version of Yoodli, plus organization-exclusive content assigned to them via that hub.

Default Hub

When an organization is created, a default hub is automatically created. You can think of the default hub as the default organization experience. Every member must be part of at least one hub; it does not have to be the default hub.

If a hub is deleted, members of that hub and only that hub may be moved to the default hub to prevent them from being removed from the org.

The default hub can never be deleted.

Group Member Experience

Non-admin members of groups have a limited user experience - they can only see content associated with the hub. Hub members cannot see each other's user details or the name or details of the hub that they're in.

Managing Membership

Members can be managed from the Groups tab or the Members tab.

Hub Admin

Hub admin have permissions only for the groups they are admin of. They can view the members of their hub and invite new members to that hub. Hub admins are not able to change content, remove members, or take other privileged actions.

Deleting a Hub

You can delete groups in the "..." menu in the top right. Once a hub is deleted it cannot be recovered.

Deleting a hub allows you to choose what happens to all members who are a part of only that hub. You can either choose to move them to the "Default" hub or remove them entirely from your organization. This allows you to quickly and easily remove cohorts from your organization when their training is complete.

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