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Roles in Yoodli organizations
Roles in Yoodli organizations

Are you an organization admin? Learn more about the different permissions associated with roles within your organization

Derek Sessions avatar
Written by Derek Sessions
Updated over a month ago

This article intends to help users who have an Organization in Yoodli’s understand the different permissions associated with roles within their organization.

Organization admins have the highest permissions:

  • Add or remove other admin and members to the organization

  • Create, delete, and manage groups

  • Assign or remove group admin and members

  • View organization membership, groups, and dashboards

  • Upload, delete, or edit content

The Organization Owner is a special type of organizational admin who cannot be demoted; they can only transfer their role. There can only ever be one organization owner.

Group admins can only be assigned to a group by an organization admin. Their permissions include:

  • View groups they are admin of. This includes usage information of groupmembers and content associated with that group

  • Add members to the organization through their group. They may not remove members.

Group admins have limited access to the organizational administrative view pertaining to just the groupthey administrate.

Organization Members can only view the content of the groups they’re in but are not aware of their group. Their experience of Yoodli is entirely defined by the group(s) they’re assigned to by the organization admins. Members must be assigned to at least one group. If no group is assigned at the time of invitation, they will automatically be assigned to the default group.

Content Space Admins have permissions specific to managing content spaces within the organization. Their permissions include:

  • Create, edit, and delete all content within their designated content spaces

  • View all groups, including members (they cannot manage group membership or create/delete groups)

  • Assign their content to any groups within the organization

Note: No one, including administrators, can view another user's Yoodlis without that user first explicitly choosing to share that Yoodli.

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