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Practice with Yoodli

Learn about Yoodli's Practice functionality

Derek Sessions avatar
Written by Derek Sessions
Updated over a week ago

Practice makes progress! One of Yoodli’s most powerful features is our practice tool, which can help you prepare for a pitch, presentation, interview, sales call, difficult conversation, and more.

Practicing for a pitch or presentation

This practice mode is built to help you prepare to deliver a speech, pitch, presentation, etc. In this mode you’ll be able to deliver your spiel and then either get feedback or practice a Q&A with an AI.

To get started:

  • If you haven’t already, provide Yoodli access to your microphone and camera

  • Press “Start” and, once the countdown finishes, start talking!

  • Once you’ve finished with your speech, either press “View Analysis” to save the recording and get feedback, or press “Ask me an AI followup-question” to enter Q&A mode

Practicing for an interview

This practice mode is built to help you prepare for an upcoming job interview. In this mode, the AI will ask you preset questions, and mix in dynamic followup questions based on your responses to help you stay on your toes.

To get started:

  • If you haven’t already, provide Yoodli access to your microphone and camera

  • Enter the role and company you want to interview for. Note that you can enter anything here if you just start typing!

  • Choose your interviewer’s demeanor

  • (optional) If you want to prepare for specific questions, you can choose them from your interview bank or add your own via the pencil icon

  • Press “Start”. The AI will start asking you questions

  • Once you’ve finished with your interview, either press “View Analysis” to save the recording and get feedback, or press “Ask me an AI followup-question” if you want to practice more

Practicing roleplays

This practice mode is built to help you prepare for any sort of conversation, ranging from sales calls to coaching calls to difficult conversations with your manager and more. In this mode, the AI will take on a persona and roleplay the scenario with you.

To get started:

  • If you haven’t already, provide Yoodli access to your microphone and camera

  • Choose between a Scenario and Personalizing your conversation

    • Scenarios are engaging pre-built scenarios and provide the best Yoodli experience

    • If you can’t find a scenario that quite matches what you’re looking for, you can choose “Personalize your conversation” to quickly create your own conversation

  • Press “Start”. The AI will start the conversation and you can freely respond

  • When you’re done, press “Stop” to end the conversation and “View Analysis” to get feedback on how it went

    • Note: If the conversation went very well or poorly the AI might choose to end the conversation on its own!

Sharing Your Screen While Practicing

Yoodli allows your to share you screen while practicing to both make it easier to practice with presentation materials and to provide a richer roleplay experience. You can start screen sharing either before you start recording or during recording via the "Share you screen" button

While sharing your screen, your screen will be recorded and, if you're roleplaying or interviewing with the AI, the AI will be able to see and respond to what you share!


Yoodli can’t see to access my microphone or camera

Yoodli requires access to, at minimum, your microphone to enable recording and roleplay. You can also give Yoodli access to your camera to get feedback on your body language, centering, and more.

When you open the practice screen, you should see a pop-up to request permissions. If you deny permissions you may either need to refresh the page or manually provide permissions.

To manually provide Yoodli camera and microphone permissions:

Changing what camera and microphone Yoodli is using

You can change the camera and microphone Yoodli is using by clicking on the gear icon shown in the image below.

If you change the microphone Yoodli is using, try speaking to ensure the volume meter shows that Yoodli is hearing your voice before your record!

While roleplaying Yoodli keeps interrupting me!

In some environments with a lot of background noise, Yoodli may accidentally not realize you haven’t stopped speaking. You can turn off Auto-respond mode in the menu under the gear icon below. That will make it so Yoodli will only respond after you’ve pressed “Next response”

How do I save the practice to my library?

Each practice is saved after you press “View Analysis.”

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