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LMS Integrations

Learn how to enable LMS (learning management system) integrations for your organization

Derek Sessions avatar
Written by Derek Sessions
Updated today

Note: LMS integrations are only available for organizations on an Enterprise plan

While Yoodli has some basic LMS functionality in Programs, many of our customers prefer to use Yoodli with more full featured LMSs. Integrating your learning management system with allows you to seamlessly add Yoodli to your learner workflows.

Yoodli supports the following integration types:


  • LTI 1.3


Yoodli allows scenarios to be downloaded in the SCORM 1.2 packages. These Sharable Content Object Reference Model packages make it easy to drag and drop Yoodli into your LMS. From there, learners are able to practice directly within the LMS via and embedded Yoodli experience, and Yoodli will report back completion and scoring to the LMS.

To setup a SCORM integration for your organization, please follow these steps:

  1. Under Advanced Settings, select Manage for your Integrations setting

  2. Click Create an Integration and choose SCORM 1.2

  3. Name your integration, typically "SCORM" or something similar.

    1. Note that organizations can only have a single SCORM integration which will work across all platforms you want to use SCORM with

  4. Add one or more Integration host names. These are the sites of your LMS or where your SCORM package will be hosted.

    1. Please leave off the https:// or any slashes, and just provide the domain name e.g.

    2. If your site does not have a subdomain (e.g. the www in then do both the domain ( and a wildcard subdomain (*

  5. Press Save

Your SCORM integration is now ready to use! On each scenario, you will see a new "Download SCORM package" option. Selecting that will download a SCORM zip package that you can then upload to your LMS.

Please see your LMSs documentation on how to upload SCORM packages, as this varies per LMS.


  • SCORM works slightly differently in the Grading Approval workflow due to technical restrictions. Yoodli will report the score and activity completion to the LMS when the learner submits their practice, rather than when grading is completed. The score will not update in the LMS if the grader later changes the score

  • The SCORM standard does work with automatic user provisioning, so users will need to sign up to your organization within that embedded workflow. We recommend setting up SSO or configuring one click sign up options when using SCORM.

Platform Specific Instructions


Docebo has two additional specific requirements when trying to integration with Yoodli via SCORM:

  • Docebo has a specific security restriction set that prevents Yoodli from accessing the camera and microphone. Be sure to select the training material to use "New Window" or "Standalone Mode" modes

  • When launched in standalone mode or in a new window, Docebo will launch Yoodli within the domain. You'll need to add that to the SCORM allowed host name list within Yoodli.

LTI 1.3

Yoodli supports LTI 1.3, a common LMS standard for integration training tools into LMSs. With an LTI 1.3 integration, you are able to feature Yoodli as an activity in your courses.

LTI integrations have several benefits over SCORM integrations:

  • Users can be assigned to the correct groups to access their practice content

  • Score reporting can be done more resiliently if a user closes the activity, and LTI supports score reporting with human grading, which SCORM does not

The downside to LTI, versus SCORM, is that not all LMSs support LTI and initial setup is more complex than SCORM.

Setting up LTI 1.3

To setup LTI 1.3, you'll need to configure both your LMS and Yoodli at the same time. Please first find your LMSs documentation on how to setup a LTI 1.3 integration so you have that available.

  • Go to the your organization's settings page, find the Integrations section under Advanced Settings and click the Manage button.

  • Click the “Create an integration” button.

  • Select LTI 1.3.

  • Enter a name for the integration.

You'll now need to go to your LMS to complete the rest of the steps. You'll need to setup your LMS and copy the following information to Yoodli:

  • Platform ID

  • Client ID

  • Deployment ID

  • Public keyset URL

  • Access token URL

  • Authentication request URL

  • Enter the platform host name

    • This will be the domain of the LMS, e.g.

Then click “Save”.

Setting up LTI 1.3 in your LMS

Please follow your LMSs instructions on any final configuration steps.

Docebo Specific Instructions

When setting up the integration in the central repository, make sure to select New Window under Properties -> View Mode. Due to security restrictions set by Docebo, Yoodli cannot access your camera and microphone when launched within Docebo.

Moodle Specific Instructions

  • Under Services

    • Set “IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services” to “Use this service for grade sync only”.

  • Under Privacy

    • Set “Force SSL” to true

    • Set “Accept grades from the tool” to “Always”

Mapping Activities to Roleplays

Yoodli's LTI integration works by mapping activities or courses within your LMS to roleplays within Yoodli. This mapping must be setup correctly for Yoodli to properly launch into the right roleplay

You can manage your integration mappings via the "..." menu on your roleplays in Yoodli.

From there, you will see a popup that allows you to enter the course or activity ID (depending on LMS) to tie those to this roleplay in Yoodli. Multiple activities can be tied to a single roleplay in Yoodli.

If you ever need to view all mappings or troubleshoot your integration, you can go back to the Integrations page and view your integration to see all current mappings

Docebo Specific Instructions

Go to your setup enrollment, and attempt to run the content. Eventually you will be able to see the lesson ID appear in the URL

Moodle Specific Instructions

The course ID can be found from the URL when viewing a course, e.g.

Automatic Just-In-Time Group Provisioning via LTI

One of the powerful features of LTI is it provides more context to Yoodli around the identity of the learner who is coming to Yoodli. Yoodli can use this to have those learners automatically join your organization and a specific group within your organization if desired.

To setup group provisioning:

  • First, for security reasons you must have your email domain verified for your Yoodli organization. Please work with your Yoodli representative or Yoodli support to have that verification done

  • In your LMS, under the LTI integration settings related to Yoodli, ensure the LMS shares the launcher's email with Yoodli (typically under a privacy section)

  • Afterwards, go to manage LMS Integration. You'll find a section labeled "Group provisioning"

  • Enable group provisioning for this integration, and choose a group all users coming through this integration should be added to

    • All new users coming through this integration will be automatically added to your organization and this group

    • All existing users coming through this integration will be automatically added to this group

Note: for this feature to work, the LMS must including the learners e-mail in the LTI launch request. That is typically on by default but may require configuration within your LMS

Looking for another integration?

Please reach out to your Yoodli point of contact! We're working on adding more integration approaches soon.

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